Archive for April 2023
Battle Ready
1 Samuel 17 Introduction: There are at least 50 Bible where the word ‘battle’ & ‘lord’ are found. I am going to use Goliath as a type of sort of our enemy, Satan or the devil. Satan – ‘accuser’ or ‘adversary’ derived from a verb meaning primarily ‘to obstruct, oppose.’ Devil – diabolos =…
Read MoreSeasons of Silence
Judges 6:11-13 Introduction: The Bible is about God’s presence. His creating presence, his intervening presence, his sustaining presence and his incarnate presence all resonate through the pages of Scripture. But the Bible is occasionally about God’s absence: his presence withdrawn, his presence withheld, his presence expected. Transition: If you have been around ‘the faith’…
Read MoreReflections of Faith
Introduction: The book of Titus is a ‘manual of sorts’ when it comes to Godly living and the expectations placed on those who have decided to please God. ———————————————————— 2:1, ‘But as for you Titus, (speak, teach-NIV; promote-LNT) the kind of living that reflects (is in accord, things that are fitting, promote) sound/wholesome doctrine/teaching’. 2:7…
Read MoreResurrection Power & Possibilities
Matthew 28:1-10 Introduction: Resurrection Sunday, the greatest day on the Christian Calendar. Why? Resurrection Sunday (Easter) is About: I. Assurances – verse 6 v. 6, ‘He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead just as he said would happen. Come and see.’ Question? Why is the resurrection so important? The Scriptures and Jesus himself…
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