Better Than Gold

Psalm 19:7-11 Introduction: The expression, ‘Better Than Gold’, is found several times in the Bible as it relates to Godly matters and Godly principles. Application: From what I could find…an ounce of gold is $49.27/g and just a little over $2K for an ounce. Fort Knox Bullion Depository: Fort Knox Facts: The ‘Ways’ of God…

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The Laws of Sowing & Reaping

Introduction: Most of the Bible was originally written to those living in an agrarian society, people familiar with working the land, managing livestock, and raising crops. Many of Jesus’ parables involve farming life. Not surprisingly, then, the Bible contains many references to sowing and reaping, and here are some of the principles we learn: I.…

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The Laws of Sowing & Reaping

Introduction: Most of the Bible was originally written to those living in an agrarian society, people familiar with working the land, managing livestock, and raising crops. Many of Jesus’ parables involve farming life. Not surprisingly, then, the Bible contains many references to sowing and reaping, and here are some of the principles we learn: I.…

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The Rizpah Factor (Be That Mom)

                                                       2 Samuel 21 Introduction: In 2 Samuel 21, we meet Rizpah, a mother grieving over the untimely deaths of her two sons. Through her silence, we are confronted with the uncomfortable realities that accompany inequitable distributions of power. Yet, it is Rizpah’s silence, as a powerful testimony of a mother’s pain, love, and courage,…

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The Anointing

Exodus 29:1-9 Introduction: I am assuming that most of you have heard the term or expression, anointing or anointed. I want to take this week and next to share/explain a couple of significant points about what the anointing is, what it means (does or accomplishes), why it’s important, and who are these allowed / graced…

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