Before and After

Before and After

Philippians 3:12

Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. (Phi 3:12 NKJ)

Transition: Just before we end the year.

I. Reflection

Hag. 1:7, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Consider your ways!’ (Hag 1:7 NKJ)

• Who you are, ans what kind of person you are.

• What you’ve learned about yourself from the things you’ve experienced day by day

• Whether you’ve challenged yourself to grow by questioning you thoughts, beliefs, and notions anbout you own life.

1. Morally

2. Socially

3. Spiritually


II. Release

1. Failures/Disappointments/Frustrations – There is nothing that we can do about these areas other than make a commitment to attempt to fix/remedy/strengthen these areas of weakness.

2. Future – We cant ultimately ‘control’ our tomorrow. We can plan and prepare but we have to understand that we can’t and won’t have a perfect tomorrow (financially, physically, emotionally, etc.) so just turn it over (release it) to God’s goodness, sovereignty and consequent grace to be what we need when we’ll need it.

Transition: Once we’ve considered and released, I think a good third step is to restructure.

III. Restructure

1. Priorities

2. Goals /Dreams

3. Stewardship – Matthew 6:21, ‘where you treasure is, there will you heart be also’.


IV. Renew


2 Cor. 5:17, ‘If any man be in Christ…’

1. Wake Up

2. Step Up

3. Stay Up

4. Push Up (or at least maintain pressure)!

Conclusion: If we believe the ‘best is yet to come,’ then let’s begin with reflection, let the past speak for itself, restructure our plans, direction and purpose and lets be renewed in our spirit!

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