Enough is Enough

Deuteronomy 31:7-8

Introduction: Deuteronomy is a series of farewell addresses by Moses to the Israelites as he prepares to die and at they make ready to enter the Promised Land. Although God had forbidden him to enter Canaan, Moses experiences a strong sense of anticipation of the people.

Application: That’s what the New Year can/should represent for us. Especially with the troubling past 3 or 4 years.

What God had promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob centuries before is about to come true.

Deuteronomy is the proclamation of a second chance for Israel.

Transition: The first point to consider what had kept God’s people from advancing and occupying was their lack of faith and disloyalty.

I. Issues Defined

  1. Lack of Faith
    1. Disloyalty

Israel’s lack of faith and disloyalty had prevented the conquest of Canaan earlier.

Transition: The problematic issues of the absence of faith and idolatry/disloyalty resulted in their condition.

II. Prevalent / Persistent Condition = Aimless Wandering

Application: The result now, as it was then, of faithlessness and disloyalty is aimlessly living/wandering. No goals, no dreams, no purpose. Just a little hamster spinning on a wheel!

God’s plan and intention for these ‘aimless wanderers was new, better, and promised opportunities.

Most of those living, who were given a new hope and promise was born and reared in the wilderness.

Transition: But God…who is faithful to his promises; a loving, gracing, caring, God of blessing offers something different.

Application: That’s what the Gospel is all about…something different.

III. New Opportunities

Moses exhorts them thirty-five (35) times to ‘go in and occupy’ the land. Thirty-four (34) times he reminds them that this is the land that the Lord is giving them.

Not responsibilities but Opportunities

Transition: What Moses also establishes is that will new opportunities come with new/future challenges.

IV. Future Challenges

As this new generation of Israelites poised to enter the Promised Land, Moses vividly recalls with then God’s faithfulness through their history and reminds them of their unique covenant relationship with the Lord.

Moses realizes that Israel’s greatest temptation in the new land will be to forsake their God and take up the worship of the Canaanite idols.

  • New foes
  • New temptations
  • New leadership

To prepare the nation for life in the new land, Moses expounds on the decrees and regulations God had given in His covenant.  

Obedience v. Disobedience

  • Obedience to God is equated with life, blessing, health, and prosperity.

  • Disobedience is equated with death, cursing, disease, and poverty.

Transition: The last piece for consideration today is the matter of choice.

Deuteronomy is characterized by a strong sense of urgency!

  • Personal Decision

‘Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessing and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!’ (30:19)

The decision is yours/ours!

  • Deuteronomy teaches that the relation of God to His people is far more than law.
  • The indispensable conditions of our covenant relationship with God are obedience and loyalty.

Loyalty to God is the essence of true piety and holiness.

Success, victory, prosperity and happiness all depend upon our obedience the Father.

The book Deuteronomy is a plea for obedience to God based upon the motives of love and fear.

Conclusion: ‘And now oh Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serves him with all your heart and soul. And you must always obey the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.” (10:12, 13)

Conclusion: God gives us the opportunity to deal with our aimlessness and wandering.

But it is up to us to choose…to say, ‘Enough is Enough’.

To understand both the opportunities and the responsibilities that accompany God’s goodness and blessings.

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