Introduction: On last week on what we’ve been discussing about preaching the gospel because the last days are getting nearer and then judgment.
Transition: Matthew 25 is a continuation of chapter 24 as Jesus continues to teach about being aware and prepared.
I ended last week on Matthew 24:14
The rest of chapter 24 looks like this:
- The abomination of Desecration – Daniel 9:27, 11:31 – An abomination is ‘something that causes disgust or hatred.’
We take the futurist view, which sees the abomination of desolation prophecy as still future. In our view, Jesus was referring to the Antichrist who, in the end times, will establish a covenant with Israel for seven years and then break it by doing something similar to what Antiochus Epiphanies did in the temple. The sacrilegious object Jesus called “the abomination of desolation” could be the “image of the beast” that the Antichrist’s right-hand man, the false prophet, will order to be set up and worshiped (Revelation 13:14). Of course, for Matthew 24:15 to be yet future, the temple in Jerusalem will have to be rebuilt before the tribulation begins.
Matthew 24:27-35
- Final Coming
- Will be cosmic.Bitter for unbelieversSalvation for believersThe end of the world does not happen with destruction.
- Return of Jesus = destruction and salvation
Transition: 24:42-25:13
I. Awareness
- Thief/Burglar is Always on the prowl.
Don’t even rent or lease a room to Him!
Aware all the time! V. 24:44
So, as opposed to the Thief / Burglar…
- The Faith Servant
- A faithful servant is just that… faithful servant.
- Must always manage his affairs and do things right.
II. Preparations – Matthew – 25: 1-5
Trimming the Lamps
- Prayer
- Obedience
- Loving
- Forgiving others
III. Manages his/her Responsibilities – 45-51
Question: What are we responsible for?
- For the faithful Servant – A reward; and more responsibility.
- Evil Servant – cut the servant to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites. (Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth)
Conclusion: What were the brides really wanting…to be married to the groom. To have a life moving forward full of protection, fulfillment, grace, and peace.
But Others – When All Else Seems to Fail
Hebrews 11:35b-40 Introduction: I started the year with Immanuel, God with us, then last week, ‘Getting Rid of Stuff’, and now I will spend the next two weeks to speak to you about the role of Faith in our lives. 11:1-2, ‘Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen: it gives…
Presence and Activity of Faith
Hebrews 11:1-2, 33-35 Introduction: I started the year with Immanuel, God with us, then last week, ‘Getting Rid of Stuff’, and now I will spend the next two weeks to speak to you about the role of Faith in our lives. 11:1-2, ‘Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen: it…
Getting Rid of Stuff
Introduction: ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by…
It’s All Good
Romans 8:31-39 Introduction: Last Sunday we gathered around this altar as we called on Immanuel. 8:31, ‘What can we say about such wonderful things as these? God works all things together for good—both His good and our good. As God is glorified, His people benefit. In Romans 8, Paul contrasts a life lived in selfish…
Christmas Presence
Matthew 1:18-24Introduction: Emmanuel – God with Us Jesus = ‘for he will save his people from their sins.’ List / describe some of the diverse people whom He saved: Application: What Jesus’ presence can do? Inner peace: Experiencing Jesus’ presence can bring a deep sense of calm and serenity even amidst turmoil. Healing power: Believers…
Christmas Persecution
Matthew 2:1-21 Introduction: Part 2 of my Christmas Series. Last week Christmas prophecy. This week let me look at what I’m calling Christmas Persecution. Question: That doesn’t sound like a good title or theme, does it? At the heart of what I want to say or communicate is that Christmas came and comes at a…
The Child of Promise
Introduction: My three-week Christmas messages begin with a prophecy about a Christmas to come. Scholars believe that Jesus fulfilled between 300 and 570 prophecies in the Old Testament: Scholars estimate that there are between 200 and 400 prophecies in the Old Testament that Jesus fulfilled as the Messiah. Some scholars believe there are more than…
The Joy of Happiness
I Thess. 5:18 Introduction: Last week I attempted to share and sort out the difference between thankful and grateful and how they are found among the abundant blessings we have from the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ‘Always be joyful (Rejoice always). 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s…
Thankful, Grateful and Blessed
Introduction: Thanksgiving – ‘It’s the most time of the year.’ Grateful and thankful are close synonyms that can both some differences between the two: One is active and the other is passive. State of being Gratitude is a mindset that’s a part of who you are, while thankfulness is the expression of that feeling. Focus…