Genesis 19
Sodom’s Depravity
These sermon taken from Jerry Shirley – Grace Notes Sermon Ministry.
Great Deception conclusions written by Mike Hinojosa
I start a series of teaching from the Book of Genesis this morning I’m calling the ‘great deceptions in Genesis.
This week, “A Lot of Trouble.”
Gen. 13:5-13; 18:17-32; 19:1-11, 24-28
The Course of the man—Lot (Abraham’s nephew)
There came a time when they had to separate. (this place ain’t big enough for the both of us.)
Abraham did something very unselfish…gave him the best land…land which had been promised to him, rather.
Look at Lot’s course: The course of the man
13:10 lifted up his eyes toward Sodom
12 pitched his tent toward Sodom
19:1 sitting in the gate! Living there!
Ps. 1:1 “Blessed is the man that walketh not…”
Lot was:
I. Weak in his devotions
Abraham had an altar, Gen. 13:5 says Lot had flocks, herds, tents.
Abraham had devotions 19:27…He knew that the Bible would keep him from sin, and sin would keep him from the Bible!
Abraham knew to keep short accounts w/ God.
What you get here in 3 services a week is not enough. You can only ride on someone else’s spiritual coattail for so long. Sooner or later you have got to develop that personal, intimate, one on one, daily relationship w/ God.
: Not only was Lot Weak in his devotions but he was worldly in his desires.
: There goes my home/possessions/friends/but also her lifestyle…even if she wasn’t practicing their ways, she was comfortable around it…her heart was still in Sodom, and even worse, Sodom was still in her heart.
: And how about you? You’re straight, but are you comfortable being in sin-filled situations and places? What’s the difference between allowing it on our TV’s and allowing it in our bedrooms?
They were worldly Christians who vexed their righteous souls staying in that place.
: The third problem with Lot was that he chose / made wrong decisions.
Wrong in his decision
Gen. 13:11 3 key words… “
Lot chose”
: God allows us to choose our own path…but He doesn’t allow us to choose what destination that path will lead to.
God will allow us to choose anything we want, except for the consequences, we can’t choose those! As a matter of fact, we have to live w/ the consequences of our choices.
Every decision we make, to at least some degree, affects the direction of our future.
For the most part, our decisions are determined by our desires.
: The fourth thing we can say about Lot was that he became a mess.
The Cure that could have been
Abraham negotiated w/ God, and God said to Abraham, if there’s just 10 believers there, I’ll spare the whole city for just those ten!
Lot and his wife…that’s 2…he had 2 married daughters, they and their husbands make 6, and he had 2 unmarried daughters…there’s 8 right there. If Lot had only reached his own family, and just 2 more, the whole city would have been spared.
What are the great deceptions we can take from Sodom and Gomorrah?
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