Rock of Sacrifice

1 Chronicles 21

Introduction: As we prepare to take communion together today, I would like to take you to some scripture passages that will help us appreciate the value of what God has done on our behalf.

2 Chronicles 21-22

  • David sinned by taking the census.
  • Prophet Gad was God’s spokesman
    • Spoke the truth but David ignored

David acknowledges his failure and is given 3 options for God to deal with his failure.

Application: There is a price and substitute needed to make righteous amends!

  • God gives David 3 options
  • 3 years of famine
    • 3 months of destruction
    • 3 days of severe plague

David chooses 3 days – God sends plague (death) 70,000 died.

This plague, this devastation required.

  • David buys a piece of land to build an altar to sacrifice so that God would relent from the penalty.
    • David offers a burnt offering and a peace offering.
  • It is at that point that God calls off the angel and tells him to ‘put his sword back into his sheat’.
  • He builds it and states 22:1, ‘This will be the location for the future altar for Israel’s burnt offerings.

Question: Where did David choose for the sacrifice and what did David say about that particular place? David said, ‘and this will be the place of the future Temple.

The location of this altar built is on Mt. Moriah.

Transition: Let’s move on to text two today and tie them together.

Genesis 22:1-14 – Abraham is willing to sacrifice Son Issac.

  • Abraham’s only son.
  • Son of a miraculous birth.
  • Son of promise!

When it came time for Issac to be sacrificed, he asks his father, ‘but where is the lamb?’

Abraham responds, ‘God will provide a lamb.’

Question: On which mountain did the Genesis 22 narrative of Abraham and Issac take place? Mt. Moriah.

  • Another important historical event that took place near Jerusalem and Mount Moriah was the crucifixion of Jesus.

  • The Common Thread

What common thread links Abraham’s experience on Mount Moriah, the Israelites, the offering of sacrifices there, and Jesus’ crucifixion? On the mountain site he had chosen, God provided a substitute for sacrificing Isaac, the Jews offered sacrifices to God as a substitutionary way to receive forgiveness of sins, and Jesus took our sins upon himself and died as our sacrificial lamb.

Mt. Moriah is a very important place!

  • What is Mount Moriah called today?
  • Jewish tradition says that Mount Moriah — now known as the Temple Mount — is the site of Creation itself. According to Hebrew for Christians, the Jewish sages believe that God created the world at Moriah and that the “foundation stone,” the Even-ha-Shetiyah, is there.
  • It is also there that it’s where Jacob saw the vision of stairs to heaven and where he wrestled with God.

Dome of the Rock – Pictures

History Lesson:

Muslims – Dome of the Rock & Mecca (Saudi Arabia)

Transition/Question: One more thing, with one more question: Does anyone know where Jesus will return?

That’s right. Mt. Moriah


On a hill far away, stood an old rugged cross.s

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