Role of Encouragement

Hebrews 10:21-25

: I would like to believe that one of the greatest gifts we have to give one another is the gift of encouragement.

Last week we looked at the ultimate goal of finishing the course, running our race, and keeping the faith.

I. We Ourselves – Hebrews 10:22-23

[Let us draw near] Let us come with the blood of our sacrifice to the throne of God: the expression is sacrificial.

[With a true heart] Deeply convinced of our need of help, and truly in earnest to obtain it.

[In full assurance of faith] Being fully persuaded that God will accept us for the sake of his Son, and that the sacrificial death of Christ gives us full authority to expect every blessing we need.

[Having our hearts sprinkled] Not our bodies, as was the case among the Hebrews, when they had contracted any pollution, for they were to be sprinkled with the water of separation, see Num 19:2-10; but our hearts, sprinkled by the cleansing efficacy of the blood of Christ, without which we cannot draw near to God.

[From an evil conscience] Having that deep sense of guilt which our conscience felt taken all away, and the peace and love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit given unto us.

[Our bodies washed with pure water.] The high priest, before he entered into the inner tabernacle, or put on his holy garments, was to wash his flesh in water, Lev 16:4, and the Levites were to be cleansed the same way, Num 8:7. The apostle probably alludes to this in what he says here, though it appears that he refers principally to baptisms, the washing by which was an emblem of the purification of the soul by the grace and Spirit of Christ; but it is most likely that it is to the Jewish baptisms, and not the Christian, that the apostle alludes.

  • I preached ‘about getting a little closer and staying a little longer’ not too long ago.

[Let us hold fast the profession of our faith] The word

homologia, from homou, together, and logos, a word, implies that general consent that was among Christians on all the important articles of their faith and practice; particularly their acknowledgment of the truth of the Gospel, and of Jesus Christ, as the only victim for sin, and the only Savior from it.

Tees pisteoos, the confession of FAITH;

But among all these, the confession or profession of HOPE is undoubtedly genuine reading.

The apostle exhorts them to hold fast this confession without wavering-never to doubt the declarations made to

[He is faithful that promised] The eternal life, which is the object of your hope, is promised to you by him who cannot lie; as he then is faithful who has given you this promise, hold fast to the profession of your hope.

II. They the Others – Hebrews 10:24-25

[And let us consider one another]

Katanooomen. Let us diligently and attentively consider each other’s trials, difficulties, and weaknesses; feel for each other, and excite each other to an increase of love to God and man; and, as the proof of it, to be fruitful in good works.

The words eis paroxusmon, to the provocation, are often taken in a good sense, and signify excitement, stirring up, to do anything laudable, useful, honorable, or necessary.

[Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves]

Episunagoogeen heautoon. Whether this means public or private worship is hard to say; but as the word is but once more used in the New Testament

  • (2 Thess 2:1), and there means the gathering together of the redeemed of the Lord at the day of judgment, it is as likely that it means here private religious meetings, for the purpose of mutual exhortation:
  • and this sense appears the more natural here, because it is evident that the church was now in a state of persecution, and therefore their meetings were most probably held in private.
  • For fear of persecution, it seems as if some had deserted these meetings,

Kathoos ethos tisin, as the custom of certain persons is

  • They had given up these strengthening and instructive means, and the others were in danger of following their example.

[The day approaching.] Teen heemeran.

  • That day-the time in which God would come and pour out his judgments on the Jewish nation.
  • We may also apply it to the day of death and the day of judgment.

Both of these are approaching to every human being. He who wishes to be found ready will carefully use every means of grace, and particularly the communion of saints, if there be even but two or three in the place where he lives, who statedly meet together in the name of Christ.

  • Those who relinquish Christian communion are in a backsliding state; those who backslide are in danger of apostasy. To prevent this latter, the apostle speaks the awful words following. See at the end of this chapter.


1. What does encouragement sound like?

  • Praise / Appreciation
  • Supportive

What does encouragement sound like?

  • Hopeful
  • Positive

“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.”—William Arthur Ward

2. What does encouragement look like?

  • Listening, paying attention, being empathetic, showing real interest.
  • Helping

Illustration: A young boy, on an errand for his mother, had just bought a dozen eggs. Walking out of the store, he tripped and dropped the sack. All the eggs broke, and the sidewalk was a mess. The boy tried not to cry.
             A few people gathered to see if he was okay and to tell him how sorry they were. In the midst of the words of pity, one man handed the boy a quarter.
           Then he turned to the group and said, “I care twenty-five cents worth. How much do the rest of you care?

3. What does encouragement accomplish?

Encouragement solidifies and reinforces that ‘doing the right thing’ – especially in difficult situations – is what matters most.

Benefits of encouragement for both giver and receiver.

  • Invigoration
  • Breeds Confidence
  • Provides Guidance
  • Honors Accomplishment

Conclusion: All of us need to be encouraged! As we know that to be a fact, why not take it on as a ministry role to encourage others!

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