The Colossal Challenge – Part 1 – Supremacy

Colossal Task

Colossians 1:1-18

Introduction: New Series.  Week 1.

Context: Sometime during Paul’s imprisonment, Epaphras solicited Paul’s help with false teaching that threatened the church at Colosse (2:8-9)

The problem was the same problem we have today really…syncretism!

Syncretism is the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.

In that day…Greek philosophy, Jewish Legalism, and mysticism.

Philosophy, religious duty and self-delusion/dreamy confusion of thought.

Application: This is exactly what we find with many ‘Christians’ today.

  • Mix and match
  • What is convenient
  • What is popular
  • What is acceptable

Application: It is important to be reminded that the Gospel is not a mixture/conglomeration of elements.

Ephesians 4:5-6, ‘one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you1 all.’ (NKJ)

Transition: So, let’s start our march through some of Colossian’s themes with that…The Supremacy of Christ.

  1. Visible image of the invisible God.v. 15-18

Jesus said, in John 14:9, ‘If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the father.”

The Father and the Son are of same nature (John 10:28-39; John 14:8-11). This reveals that John 14:8-11 recalls John 10:28-38 and even John 5:17-19.

The writer of Hebrews perfectly sums up the message of John 14:9: The Son is “the very image of the Father’s substance” (Hebrews 1:3 ASV).

  1. Existed before anything (anyone) was created and supreme.

  2. He is the ‘firstborn’ and over all of creation.
  3. By Him and for Him were all things created (both in heaven and one earth).
    1. Visible and invisible
    1. Over thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers.
  4. In Him everything consists.
  5. He is the head of the Body (the Church)
  6. Firstborn from the dead.

So that in all things he has the pre-eminence/supremacy/(first place)!

Application: Let me put it in my words, ‘Don’t be confused, don’t try to replace or put anything or anyone above Christ, for it is He and He alone that stands alone!’

Transition: Because of this fact Paul begins by saying,

  1. Thankful1:3-8
  1. Prayerful – 1:9-14

    1. Filled with the knowledge of His will      

      1. In all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

    1. (So that) one might walk worthy of the Lord
  • Pleasing Him
  • Being fruitful
  • Increasing in knowledge of God
  • Strengthened will all might
  • For (all) patience and longsuffering with joy

Transition: It is the Apostle Paul that concludes that understanding who Christ is (His supremacy) that will allow for the above mentioned prayers to be possible.

Conclusion: So, who is Christ? What does that mean to us? Why is that so critical?

Every wagon of our faith has to hitch it’s wagons to the understanding of who Jesus really and fully is….supreme!

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